The High Scale

Posted by Adam Harper on Dec 21st 2022

The High Scale

What is buzzed? (level 1)

Buzzed is another way of saying you are lightly stoned. Typically this means that you’ve hit a sweet spot in your dosing that will allow you to carry out daily activities without compromising your ability to focus. You may have an elevated sense of wellbeing. Food may taste better. Aromas may smell a bit more pleasant. Overall this is where most people want to be when they use cannabinoid infused products.

What is Lifted? (level 2)

Lifted is somewhere between buzzed and stoned. Your eyes may be red and your eyelids may be slightly heavier than normal, but lifted is a pleasant state of being. You will be happy with a mild state of euphoria that will have you energized and ready to take on the world.

Classically speaking lifted is most often associated with sativa strains of that have a blend of terpenes that create an overall cheerful mood and sense of wellbeing. This means that you may actually be more productive when lifted due to your increased level of focus and attention to detail. You may also find a connection with the creative muse unlocking your potential as an artist to draw, write, paint or take on new projects that otherwise seem daunting.

You may also have a closer connection to philosophy and the spiritual parts of the mind. This is one reason many people choose products with delta 8, due to the gentle nature of the psychedelic experience that lends itself more to uplifting ways of thought.

What is stoned? (level 3)

Stoned can best be described as a high that you can feel in your eyes. You are just on the edge of couch lock, but you still found the motivation to go about your day and be somewhat productive, even if you don’t remember much of it later.If you are stoned, you will definitely get cottonmouth and require abnormal amounts of hydration. You might also need to curb your appetite because being stoned and getting an extreme case of the munchies go hand in hand. Being stoned is a pleasant state of euphoria that can range from a social lubricant, to a tranquilizer depending on the individual.

You may have a bit of trouble holding your train of thought or thinking through all of the steps involved to complete a complex project, but you may also find yourself to be extra creative and poetic in your execution of projects that require a more artistic approach.

What is couch lock? (level 4)

Have you ever taken one more hit than you should’ve, then forgot to transfer your laundry from the washing machine to the dryer? Then you look up 2 hours later and your fingers are covered in cheese dust from munching down an entire bag of flavored chips? Have you started out to have a productive day, hit your vape a few times then teleported into the future? A future where all of your goals were forgotten in favor of streaming a marathon of your favorite show until you finally had to get up and grab a drink because your insides were very quickly turning into jerky?

If any of this sounds familiar to you, then you my friend have experienced couch lock. Your body feels like it weighs 5x the normal amount. Your mind becomes jello, yet you may find yourself becoming wax philosophical to your pet until they look at your stupor disapprovingly because they can tell you aren’t going to move for the next few hours.

What is a weed nap? (level 5)

A weed nap is often the final phase of couch lock, but sometimes in extreme cases you might just jump right to that step. If you’ve gotten way too stoned and cannot keep your eyes open then you are staring head long at a weed nap. Weed naps don’t care if you are in your bed, on a sofa or in a comfy chair. If you overload with a large amount of cannabinoids you are likely to have no alternative but to sleep it off. In my opinion this is one of the most solid reasons for getting your edibles from a well known, reputable supplier that you can count on for consistent dosing. Eating what you think is a 25mg gummy only to find out the hard way that it was closer to 250mg is never a pleasant experience.